Saturday, July 31, 2010


It could have been when I saw Paulie, and screamed so loud as I could. And he played "A Day In the Life" and me and Ty almost fainted.
It could have been when I saw Inception, either time it was. And Alisha was poking her nose, and I was dumbfounded, and Mckay and Ty's minds were blown
It could've been when I went to San Francisco for the first time, and fell in love with the city. And saw Steven Tyler and Aerosmith way to close for comfort.
It could have been all the summer seminary, with Bro. Anderson of course. Who's always going to be one of my heroes
It could've been when I went up to Idaho, and spent time with My uncle Todd.
It could've been Ty's party, when I played the fugitive for the first time. (and did all the shopping)
It could've been tonight, when I saw that shooting s tar. And Cat and Nate and Curtis were all jealous, because they couldn't find one.

It could've been Waterloo Sunset, that wonderful song. That never will leave me, and will carry me along.
It could've been Salem Pond, my favorite place to write. It could've been that smile, that I know gives off a light
It could've been the songs, that Ty's genius has written. It could've been the music, or the joy of simply living.
It could've been the idea that this summer is unending. It could've been the the joy I have, in knowing I'm never stuck pretending
It could've been the wonder I felt, just gazing at the sky. And knowing that God is listening, to every laugh and cry.
Wherever the feeling came from, I never felt alone. All this summer I've felt a feeling, that no matter where I am, I'm home.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Not Too Far Away

It's interesting what you learn, when you just give yourself up to it for a while.

I spent the last few days in Idaho, spending time with my family. My Aunts and Uncles and Cousins, and My Uncle Todd of course.
I look up to My Uncle Todd in many ways. He's probably the person I want to be most like, when I get older. Him and My Dad.
I also played with my cousins, who are just little. Still little enough to believe in there own imagination.
I wonder why we give up innocence so fast. Like it's nothing to hold onto.. We try and grow up so fast. And then we spend so much time feeling empty, because we aren't ready to.
It felt good to recapture some of that feeling that we give up so quickly.

I also saw stars like you wouldn't believe there. The night sky was lit up so brightly, it was incredible. And I saw fields of grass that seemed to go on forever. And old houses that always find me thinking of what they were like so long ago.. When perhaps they were the nicest house there was.

Some of the things I saw, inspired me musically a lot. I will hopefully be writing many songs over the next few days. But the inspiration to hold onto innocence that I found not too far away... Is something I will cherish for a very long time.

It's interesting what you can learn.. When you simply open yourself up to it.