I appear at a clearing. Two roads diverge in front of me. Choose, a voice says. You always have a choice.
I walk down a road, a simple road. People's faces surround me, everywhere. We are walking one way I look around me and I am content, walking. But suddenly the road grows dark, black surrounds me. I look around, the people are gone. I am alone. I feel pain, tears sting my eyes. Blank faces appear from the darkness. Their hands grab me, they pull me in.
I can't escape. No. They drag me down.
I walk down a road, a simple road. People's faces surround me, everywhere. We are walking one way I look around me and I am content, walking. But suddenly the road grows dark, black surrounds me. I look around, the people are gone. I am alone. I feel pain, tears sting my eyes. Blank faces appear from the darkness. Their hands grab me, they pull me in.
I can't escape. No. They drag me down.
I scream
I cry
I scream
I cry
I pray for a way out
Suddenly I appear at a clearing, the darkness is gone. And yet I see two roads in front of me.
You always have a choice.
I walk down the road to the right, all alone. But the road is full of beauty, full of wonder. I come to the end, and I come to a spring. Blooming trees are everywhere, fruit grows from every branch. I pick one, and it's sweet to the taste. Happiness fills my soul, I have joy. I wish to stay here forever, among the fireflies and butterflies. I wish to.
But again, I appear at a clearing, the light is gone. And Yet I see two roads in front of me.
You always have a choice.
Walk down the road to the right. The right leads to happiness, again I say. I walk down the road to the right, I walk for a long time. I find myself finding the same things over and over again, the road never ending. I run, I sprint, where is the end? I fall on my face, I can't get up. Is there help? Where were the people who once surrounded me?
The clearing appears again. Two roads. Choose. You always have a choice.
I get down on my knees and cry. I can't do this alone, I can't. I'm terrified of running into the darkness, horrified of running without end. I can't go on, how will I know how to find happiness?
Suddenly a hand reaches out and grabs mine, and a man is standing there. Follow me, he says. Follow me, I'll take you to the happiness.
And so I follow him, uncertain of where he is leading me. But he leads me to the happiness, and I am once again dancing among the daffodils. Joy fills my heart once again, and I wish to stay there forever. I ask the man, can I stay forever? He replies
There is more you have to learn.
But remember me, I will lead you here.
The Clearing. Two Roads. Choose. You always have a choice.
And I see a group of people, going down the path on the left. They appear very happy, I follow them. But where was the man, the man who led me to the happiness? He was not there. I figured these people must know the way, I followed them. But as we walked further down the path, I noticed the scenery around me change. The people once again disappeared. Darkness once again surrounded me
Get me out, not again.
I'll do anything.
But the blank faces do not appear.
I only see a cliff, and ending in the road. Something new.
I go to the edge of the cliff, I look down. Nothing.
I try to return to the path from whence I came.
But the path no longer exists. I am stuck.
I fall down the cliff, into never ending blackness.
And then the clearing. And the two roads. Choose. You always have a choice.
And I think of the man, the man who led me to the happiness. Why did I not remember? How could I have followed others? How could I not remember?
And he comes once again, offers me his hand, and says
Follow Me.
I follow him.
I know I will once again come to the happy place, but it won't last forever. I will be faced with again two roads. And I'll always have a choice.
I can make a decision on my own.
I can follow a crowd
Or I can wait for him, the man
Who will always lead me to the place.
I may take the wrong path
I may take the wrong path many times
But every time I will come back to the two roads. And every time he will be there. Follow him.

The clearing appears again. Two roads. Choose. You always have a choice.
I get down on my knees and cry. I can't do this alone, I can't. I'm terrified of running into the darkness, horrified of running without end. I can't go on, how will I know how to find happiness?
Suddenly a hand reaches out and grabs mine, and a man is standing there. Follow me, he says. Follow me, I'll take you to the happiness.
And so I follow him, uncertain of where he is leading me. But he leads me to the happiness, and I am once again dancing among the daffodils. Joy fills my heart once again, and I wish to stay there forever. I ask the man, can I stay forever? He replies
There is more you have to learn.
But remember me, I will lead you here.
The Clearing. Two Roads. Choose. You always have a choice.
And I see a group of people, going down the path on the left. They appear very happy, I follow them. But where was the man, the man who led me to the happiness? He was not there. I figured these people must know the way, I followed them. But as we walked further down the path, I noticed the scenery around me change. The people once again disappeared. Darkness once again surrounded me
Get me out, not again.
I'll do anything.
But the blank faces do not appear.
I only see a cliff, and ending in the road. Something new.
I go to the edge of the cliff, I look down. Nothing.
I try to return to the path from whence I came.
But the path no longer exists. I am stuck.
I fall down the cliff, into never ending blackness.
And then the clearing. And the two roads. Choose. You always have a choice.
And I think of the man, the man who led me to the happiness. Why did I not remember? How could I have followed others? How could I not remember?
And he comes once again, offers me his hand, and says
Follow Me.
I follow him.
I know I will once again come to the happy place, but it won't last forever. I will be faced with again two roads. And I'll always have a choice.
I can make a decision on my own.
I can follow a crowd
Or I can wait for him, the man
Who will always lead me to the place.
I may take the wrong path
I may take the wrong path many times
But every time I will come back to the two roads. And every time he will be there. Follow him.
wow.. thats all i can say kason. wow. you are amazing!