But when I was little, everything was so much simpler. We let our imaginations run wild, we believed in magic. There wasn't a problem in the world, and if there was, it was over in about five minutes. I only wish I could be like that again..
But what happens to us? Maturity? But then, why are we generally more unhappy as we get older? Can we not simply be simple like we were? Is that against some unwritten rule to our personalities?
We are faced with a lot more responsibilities I suppose, and social pressure, and hormones, and all that blah. But are we not deeper creatures? We have a spirit, a soul, a very essence of US. Can that not be childlike in simplicity?
I don't know... I only wish I was in Kindergarten again. But all the things I've learned since then.. Maybe I don't. Perhaps everything I'm going through I'm learning for a reason... And perhaps the challenge in itself is maintaining happiness. However hard it may be. Sometimes I just want to go outside, with a best friend, and lay down and look at the stars, and talk for hours. I need to do that sometime... I need a simpler time.
But that simple time would end, and we would get pulled back into the chaos. But I would have something to cherish, would I not? I don't know...
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