I'm really a kid, in my heart.
It's really pretty simple
But sometimes we forget who we are.
But that's why God gave us friends.
So when we forget, they can sing it back to us.

I'm pretty sure we're singing "Come Sail Away".. Apologies to Styx, even though they should apologize for writing 'Mr. Roboto' in the first place :) James Hardman, I don't even know what aday at school would be like were you not there. And just yelling your last name "Hardman!" makes everything better. And I still laugh so hard everytime I think about "Gladiatah.. Gladiatah, Gladiatah, Gladaitah!" or "We're Done" :). You're the best, Hardman!

He's bringing sexy back.. yah! Mckay Bowcut, you've been my friend since the beginning of time, I'm pretty sure you always will be. Thank heavens for that Pink Crayon.. and the Yoshi Team! :) You're the Best, McKay.. yeah, i put a capital K in there that time.. :) You've made me laugh every single day, without fail. I don't even know what life would be like without you.. because all memory of life so far for me... has had you in it :) And I wouldn't have it any other way :)

See ty, that's a guitar. And what you do, is you just pick it up, and you just play it... :) Ty singerman, basically my songwriting and musical ability would be no where without you. And you've definitely got me through some rough times, and some rougher times. And, although that was in fact a fail on the bubble break, we have the best memories. You're the best Ty! :)

Sammy Ray! I mean.. Sam. Yes, just Sam. That's probably some kind of evil glare you're giving me.. I seem to get those often from you :) Really sam, you are one of the greatest people I know. You're always looking to do the right thing, and you have one of the biggest hearts. Watching Lord of the Rings with you, and making fun of it the whole way through, is one of the best memories I have. And thank you for putting up with me and my drama. You are one of the best friends I person can ask for. Thank you Sam! :) And I think we promised to be friends forever.. in a sort of roundabout way... :)

Joshery.. You're probably quoting something right here. Probably Batthumb.. GaaaThumb. GAAAAthumb :). Josh, thanks for making me laugh all the time. Even though we argue about politics... (Glenn Beck isn't always right.. cough) You really are one of the best friends a guy can ask for. You're the best josh! :)

And as McKay snuck his way into the picture.. Ben glared back menacingly. Ben! I miss going to school with you all the time, I miss singing disney songs with you pretty much everyday. You are still one of the funnest people I know to be around, and you make me laugh so hard. I know you don't like it so much anymore.. but you'll always be cooler then Gaston to me! Oh what a guy.. Ben Krutch! :)

Honor Choir :) can't get enough of those days.
It's a picture of Tiko! :) Marinda, thank you so much for talking on the phone with me for who knows how long.... and for putting up with my terrible John Lennon impression.. ha ha :) and my terrible beat poems.. although that one where I said "and curl your hair" was pretty good! :) Marinda, you're the best! And thank you for drawing me this picture... it's awesome! :) You know, it's just uhhh... it's a good picture and all, you know? I just uhhh.. I really like it and all, you know? I just uhhh.. I find the colors to be quite accurate and all you know? :)

Daina Daina Daina.. You are simply one of the most amazing people I've ever met! :) Everytime you text me, or call me, or hang out with me, I'm automatically in a better mood. That's something so wonderful about you! I don't know how many days I couldn't have got through, if you hadn't texted me, and asked me how I was doing. :) And you have wonderful taste in music.. except for that one band, whom you know of... :). Daina, you really are one of my best friends. It's an epiphany! :)

And where in the world would Kason be, without his good old cousin Seth? Probably in the hands of the mystery man, considering you've saved me from his evil clutches from the time I was 5 to now. :) Seth, I don't know a lot of things, but I do know that you are the best cousin a guy could ask for! Really, what would life be like without our countless all nighters, especially the one where we played Lego Star Wars.. or the one where you built a lego boat, and started acting out the characters, and basically had me out of my head laughing. Or the one where we talked about what it's like to be a teenager, and how we should just stay kids. I think so far, we've been doing a pretty good job :).
I don't know a lot of things.
And sometimes I even forget who I am.
And forget my heart song.
But it's okay.
Because God blessed me with such wonderful friends.
Who sing it back to me, every time :)
I hope I can even be half the friend
Or half the person
You guys are :)
You make me want to be a better person
And that's all I need
To know that you are, the greatest friends a guy could ask for.
I don't know a lot of things
I even forget my own heart song
But it's okay.
Because God blessed me with such wonderful friends
Who sing it back to me every time :)
Oh jeeze. You're the best Kason :)
ReplyDeleteTiko! You know, it's just uhh... you just made my day and all, yeah :) Thanks! P.S. We need to find a professor who can translate elvish... and remember your berries and cream!
ReplyDeleteIts amazing to me how no matter what i do to get on your nerves you still seem to stay my friend. :) it's been a wild ride so far buddy. And my bet is it's not slowing down soon. And remember that no matter what happens you can always laugh with me about it.
PS. I'm glad "bringing sexy back" is my catchphrase now.
That Made my day