I'm here I promise
I've been here
I promised
Your my friend
I don't say that meaninglessly
Your my friend
I mean that with my heart
Just don't forget
All the fun we had
And how many times you smiled
And I did
Let's do everything for the first time forever
Let's forget our troubles
Our worries
And take a walk
I don't know If I mean much to you
I get confused sometimes
But I know how much you mean to me
I know that your wonderful, if you let yourself be
I know that when you smile
Everyone around you does to
I know that your beautiful
I know that your spirit is unshakable
Please don't be sad
Don't shed a tear
I'm here
I'm here
I know he makes you laugh
I try to, everyday
everyday just one laugh
from you
And that's enough for me
Please don't be sad
Don't shed a tear
I'm here
I'm here
From the time I met you
way back when
I saw the light
I still see it there
What more can I say
You mean the world to me
I can't help you now
And that's helpless to me
But the world is wonderful
Don't forget that
Don't forget the smiles
Don't forget the laughs
Please don't be sad
Don't shed a tear
I'm here
I'm here
I sort of think your
sometimes it doesn't make sense
But I know how wonderful you are
When you let yourself be
When I met you
I wanted to get to know you
And as soon as I did
I could tell we would be friends
And best friends we were
forever so long
Just don't be sad
I can't bear it
Please don't be sad
Don't shed a tear
I'm here
I'm here
All my peeps
Spend part of their life
in fresh water
and part their life
in salt water. :)
Please don't be sad
Don't shed a tear
I'm here
I've always been
Take it easy
Don't be so stressed out
Take time to smell the roses
There are things that matter more
Take it easy
Just be the girl I know
The one I've held onto for so long
You're such a sweet heart
I know you really are
Your loving and your kind
And You always make me smile
Please don't be sad
Don't shed a tear
I'm here
I've always been
You've got a light that can't go out
Sometimes it just gets dim
Just be the girl I know you are
I know you are
Call me Kasonfish
Quote the abridged series
Be the girl I know you are
Your perfect, I know
Sometimes you just forget
I think that I do to
I'm still the same kason
still the same Kason
Please don't be sad
Don't shed a tear
I'm here
I've always been
Do you trust me?
I helped you once I think
Your perfect, your perfect
Just let yourself be
I'm so grateful to call you my best friend
Whether you know it or not
I'm so grateful just to talk to you
So grateful just to know you
Please don't be sad
Don't you shed a tear
I'm here,
I've always been
Just laugh
Just smile
It shines a light, I know
It cheers anyone up
Just laugh
Just smile
Maybe I don't know a lot
But I know how great
you are
I know you've made me so happy
Countless times
Please don't cry
Don't you shed a tear
I'm here
I've always been
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