We're always going to be friends.
Really Friends Forever, As Long as That Is.
Until the End of Time, Which isn't there.
And I honestly and truly believe that.
Us Three, The Shcmakwells and Scrupmties, The Doves that Dance, The Yoshi Team, The Deep Thinkers, The Music Makers. The Singmen
That's something I don't really think about much
Because I've already accepted it, maybe taken it for granted.
But Sometimes I think I really should appreciate it.
Because I think it's a rare thing...
It's Something Great.
I mean, when the whole world comes crashing down...
We could still find something to laugh about huh?
And we have.. and we will..
We're not always the nicest friends, we're not always the no drama friends (especially me), we're not always the most fun friends, we're not always the kindest friends..
But we always are, no matter what, the best of friends.
And that's something rare..
It's Something Great.
Girl Problems, School Problems, Stupid Problems, Whatever Problems. I know we'll have a lot
But we've been there for each other..
And We'll Be there for each other..
So it doesn't have to be so hard.
It's really a rare thing..
It's something Great :)
Kason, Ty, McKay, you guys are the best! Ha ha you make me laugh :)