Monday, June 21, 2010

Of The Heaven

Float on a cloud with me
Float on a cloud with Me and forget.
Me and You, Together.
My Perfect Friend.

We Sat Among the Stars
My Funny Friend and I
And Wondered At The Light
That Reflected From the Sky

We Told Each Other Stories
From Far Away and Near
Some Made Us Laugh and Smile
Some Made Us Cry to Hear

He Told Me Of Adventures
He Told Me Of His Home
He Told Me Of The Heaven
That He Had Wandered From

I Listened, So Intently
So as Not to Miss a Smile
He Told So I Could Comprehend
And Lay Along, A While

He Taught Me About Happiness
And Goodness, and It's Light
He Taught Me About Shadows
He Wandered Through the Night

He Taught Me How to Overcome
To Learn, To Persevere
He Taught Me That Loving Joy
Doesn't Mean You Can't Shed a Tear

He Told of Wonderful Places
He Had Walked Along His Way
He Told Me Of The Light
And How To Make It Stay

I Listened Hard, Bewildered
At His Wisdom and His Love
For All He Sees Around Him
And All The Worlds Above

I Saw a Twinkle In
His Eye as We Came Down
From the Sky Above
And On To Solid Ground

I Asked Him Could I Learn
To Love and Live Like You
He Said It Would Take Time
But For Now, Take What I Knew

He Said He'd Be To Teach Me
And Tell Me Stories Once More
And Let Me Smile and Laugh
But Not Till The Next Night O'er

So He Told Me His So Long
And I Said My Good Bye
And I Walked Back To My House
And Opened the Door With a Sigh

But Now The Stars Seem Brighter
As My Friend And I Were There
Among The Lights In Darkness
So High Up In The Air

He Would Be There Again
But I Still Don't Know When
So I'll Dream Really Hard
So I'll Be Ready Then

To Float On The Cloud
Among The Stars Again
And Listen to The Stories
Of My Funny Friend

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Days are Just Packed

Although Life is not easy
So filled with regret
It is taking a nap in a tree
Or watching the sunset.

It's truly laughing with people you love
Or reading a book you can't put down
Or helping someone who needs it
Or dancing all around

Or singing as if no one can hear it
And laughing when they do
Or getting under a blanket
And look at the night's sky view

It's the memories you never knew
Or thought that you would make
It's loving the unexpected
And learning from your mistakes

It's the wonderful sound of music
That life tends to give
It's learning how to love
To accept, and to forgive

It's never been so easy
No, not quite
But why do we see the darkness
When all around us is light?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Always Smiling

Dancing all around the house to "All My Friends". Watching Radiohead Live. Having a Water Fight. Eating Hamburgers. Laughing at McKay, just about every second. Laughing at Ty attempting to say "Massage". Reading War and Peace, for as long as I can handle Pierre and Andrey. Enjoying new music. Writing New Music. Texting Daina, and letting her make me laugh and so happy. Staying up till two in the morning with my cousin. Rocking out to The Crunge. Letting The Rain Song take me away. Letting The Orb trip me out. Staring at the stars, and laying on the cold grass. Swimming at my dad's house, and letting him kick my butt in water basketball. Staying up late every night, and texting McKay about.. smoothies. Movie Hunting with my sister. And simply enjoying wasting time.

This is summer :)

But i still haven't seen the bridge...
Where is that confounded bridge? :)

Goodness I love summer.
And Led Zeppelin.
And Life
Always Smiling :)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Ain't So Hard

The feeling of feeling nothing almost hit me.
The feeling I hate most of all..
The complete emptiness. Like nothing matters.
And then The Rain Song, by Led Zeppelin came on.

The song reminds me of sitting in the bottom floor of Booth Bros, waiting for Curt to let me in to his room to teach me guitar. It reminds me of sitting on my bed, in my old condo, so long ago.. And listening to Led Zeppelin. And being so awestruck. It reminds me of when every sentence I said mentioned Led Zeppelin. It reminds me of feeling warm in coldness.. It reminds me of that summer, when it felt like everything was certain. It reminds me of "Mothership doesn't do justice".
The song reminds me of when everything was simple between friends. And it reminds me of when everything became that way again. It reminds me of good times, and bad times, but it reminds me of overcoming them to.. Because this song.. and Led Zeppelin.. has been in my heart for so long.

It reminds me of what my dreams are. It reminds me of what music can do.
It reminds me of who I want to be. It reminds me of the light, and how it went away.
It reminds me of how I got it back.
The Rain song reminds me of many things..
And it teaches me many things.

So much in a song...:)
That the feeling envelopes me
And I don't feel so empty
I feel life :)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Roses

It's not really about growing up. Or jumping the next wall. Or crossing the next river. Or getting through all the shadows.
I mean, that's all part of it, of course. We need to learn how to overcome, to hold on, to see past all the darkness. We need to learn how to make our own light.
But do we skip the roses?
I've heard the phrase before. "Stop and smell the roses." Every time I hear it, it gets me to thinking.
Do we skip the roses?
It seems like we always want something other than what we have. We want to get to a new road, a new excitement. Something different
But do we skip the good on the road we're already on, in our attempt to hurry to the next?
Stop and Smell the Roses.

I'm so little now..
I've got such a long way to go.
But I don't want to rush it.
I want to stay a kid for as long as I can
I've got another forty years, before I have to grow up,
Right? ;)
Maybe even another eternity..
If I try.

Look around you.. You'll see
The world is so wonderful.
Magical, really.
If you believe it to be :)
For the world can only be as good
As you allow it to be :)

Don't hurry so fast
Because when you get to the end
You'll be empty handed.
But if you stop and smell the roses
Maybe even pick a few
You'll come to end with a beautiful bouquet
That will last for as long as you allow :)

Happiness comes with you
When you allow it to :)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Better When We Pretend

I don't think we have to be realistic. I mean, everyone says we do.. So it is that we won't get disappointed.

But I think we can just dream. Dream dream dream. And don't worry about it. That's what you taught me today.. When we looked at the clouds. You didn't say anything.. But I learned that. Because maybe most of the time we will be disappointed. But I just felt like we forget that miracles can happen. That people, oh wonderful people... are capable of doing whatever it is they set their mind to. And that dreams do come true.

I have silly dreams, but that's okay.
I want to have a wikipedia page, and I want the opening paragraph to say "Along with his partner and collaborator, Ty Singerman, he is widely considered to be the greatest songwriter of the 21st century".
I want to win an academy award for best original score.
I want to be inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame.
I want Thom Yorke and Jonny Greenwood to put a song by me on their "charts"
I want Alan Menken and John Williams to say "well done" about my music..
It's silly, I know. So So Silly...
But it's my dreams :) And you taught me, today, that it's okay to dream.
Just dream and dream. And then work at them.
Because you control your own destiny.

Waterloo Sunset's fine..
Oh so Beautiful..
Isn't it? :)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Something Great

You know something?

We're always going to be friends.
Really Friends Forever, As Long as That Is.
Until the End of Time, Which isn't there.
And I honestly and truly believe that.
Us Three, The Shcmakwells and Scrupmties, The Doves that Dance, The Yoshi Team, The Deep Thinkers, The Music Makers. The Singmen

That's something I don't really think about much
Because I've already accepted it, maybe taken it for granted.
But Sometimes I think I really should appreciate it.
Because I think it's a rare thing...
It's Something Great.

I mean, when the whole world comes crashing down...
We could still find something to laugh about huh?
And we have.. and we will..

We're not always the nicest friends, we're not always the no drama friends (especially me), we're not always the most fun friends, we're not always the kindest friends..

But we always are, no matter what, the best of friends.
And that's something rare..
It's Something Great.

Girl Problems, School Problems, Stupid Problems, Whatever Problems. I know we'll have a lot
But we've been there for each other..
And We'll Be there for each other..
So it doesn't have to be so hard.

It's really a rare thing..

It's something Great :)