What beauty fills the skies, though, when the sun does set.

I am definitely not a photographer, though I did try ha ha.

What picture do you see in this cloud? I love finding pictures in clouds. I see a reindeer in this one, a pink, leaping reindeer with a long nose. What do you see?

One of the most peaceful things to me about watching the sunset, was the sounds that surrounded me while doing so. The birds were singing in their trees, and the breeze was blowing softly. It was invigorating to all of the senses, and warm in my heart.

What beauty fills the world that goes unnoticed all the time. If we only had one sunset in ten years, or only one star filled night in a life time, what large crowds of people would surround these wonders, and hold to their beauty! But God blesses us with such wonders every day, and every night. I suppose it's just up to us to appreciate them every day and every night, just as he gives them to us :)
i see a platypus. (: