I suppose these, are not only the songs that have inspired my personal songwriting the most, but they are also the songs I connect with most. :) Kason's Top Ten songs of all time, are as follows:
#10 We're Going to Be Friends, The White Stripes
I can't think of a song that defines childlike innocence better. " Tonight I'll dream, while I'm in bed, and silly thoughts go through my head, about the bugs and alphabet, and when I wake tomorrow I'll bet. That you and I will walk together again. I can tell that we are gonna be friends" :). Truly, that is pure happiness. There is no mention of sex, drugs, anything. Just pure friendship and love. And it was written in a time, when mainstream radio was full of songs that talked ONLY about sex and drugs and parties. But the White Stripes proved you don't need that to be happy. In fact, those things don't make you happy at all. Maybe we should all learn from such. :)

#9 Over The Hills and Far Away, Led Zeppelin
I love Jimmy Page. If you know me, you already know that, because every time I play guitar, I probably say it. I just can't get enough of his style. And I personally believe this is his best, or it's the most inspiring to me. And definitely not to discount Robert Plant, who's vocals are beautiful and masterful on this song. And the ending gets me everytime. With just Jimmy's beautiful guitar, and that fade in chord. Truly, beautifully crafted.

#8 A Day in the Life, The Beatles
Paul McCartney is probably one of the songwriters I look up to the most. Hey Jude, Let it Be, all those classics, how could I not? But The Beatles greatest achievement, in my opinon, was the ending track on the masterpiece Sgt. Pepper album. Which John Lennon and Paul wrote together, with them both giving equal share. They did this on other songs, I know, but in this song you hear both of them, and you can conflict they're styles. And what a song it turned out to be. No better way to end Sgt. Pepper. And no better way to remember Paul and John's genius together, their wonderful partnership.

#7 Good Vibrations, The Beach Boys
I don't know if you'd call it a bridge, but what a bridge on this song. "Gotta keep those lovin good, vibrations a happening with her!" That part, with the bass, wows me. Oh but let's not forget the chorus, and the verses, and well, this song's just perfect isn't it? Brian Wilson thought he was a failure, competing with The Beatles, after Sgt Pepper. But honestly, Brian, this song is all you could've wrote, and you would still be considered genius. Well.. this and Pet Sounds of course.

#6 Won't Get Fooled Again, The Who
A song that is about political upheaval, apparently, can speak very personally in my opinion. Especially the chorus "Pick up my guitar and play, just like yesterday, and I'll get on my knees and pray. We don't get fooled again!" Those lines can speak to you during heartbreak, betrayal, renewal, and, actually political unrest. It takes a special kind of songwriter to write such magical lines, and Pete Townshend is special.

#5 No Surprises, Radiohead
Thom Yorke and Johnny Greenwood are my two biggest heroes, in all aspects of rock composition and songwriting. Jimmy Page will always and forever remain my favorite guitarist, but Thom and Johnny write such emotional songs. And I know to some, their lyrics don't make sense. I know to some, their to depressing. Quite the opposite with me, for some odd reason. These lyrics inspire me so, as a person and a musician. "No alarms and No Surprises, please".

#4 The Modern Age, The Strokes
I know this one's going to upset a lot of people. "You put THE STROKES above The Beatles, Radiohead, The Beach Boys, and LED ZEPPELIN???". First of all, Led Zeppelin and Radiohead are my two favorite bands forever and ever, let's point that out :). And second, the list isn't over yet :). And third, I'm just so in love with The Modern Age. I love the riff, I love the lyrics, I love the distorted vocals. And the melody on the pre-chorus, is such undeniable genius. "Oh in the sun sun having fun, it's in my blood! I just can't help it, don't want you hear right now let me goo! whooo!" Say what you want about The Strokes, but this song, and Is This It? are classics.

#3 What a Wonderful World, Louis Armstrong
I think it's really sad that this song has become somewhat cliche. Has there ever been a better declaration of optimism? Of seeing light in the darkness? I don't think so. :) I love this song, and I still believe it will cheer up anyone, no matter how depressed they are. The Melody, the Lyrics, everything is so beautifully crafted for happiness. It really makes you think about the power of music, and what it really can do. Louis Armstrong proved it can almost change the world, if people would listen :)

#2 Waterloo Sunset, The Kinks
A song that was written about observing a couple from afar, and finding your own paradise. Or that's what I get out of it. Like a Wonderful World, but on a slightly less optimistic note, it shows you how to find light in darkness. "Chilly Chilly is the Evening time, Waterloo Sunsets fine" :) Or perhaps, one of the most heartbreaking and inspiring lines to me, "But I don't, need no friends, as long as I gaze on waterloo sunset I am in paradise". Find your own paradise, even if the world hates you. That's the most I get out of this song. And what a message that is. :)

And Drum roll please..... (digga digga digga digga digga)
#1 Fake Plastic Trees, Radiohead
Here it is, ladies and gentleman. The greatest song of all time, in my opinion. Using plastic as a metaphor for lies, or falseness. And building up on all it's themes until that final, heartbreaking and beautiful verse: "She looks like the real thing. She tastes like the real thing. My fake plastic love. But I can't help the feeling, I could blow through the ceiling, if I just turn and run." Don't we all feel like that sometimes? We could fly, if we just ran away. We could leave everything else behind, all the lies, betrayal, heartbreak... if we just turn and ran. What an immortal line. And What a classic, immortal song. Truly, the most emotional song I've ever heard, and if the legend is true, Thom Yorke broke down into tears after recording it. I believe it, how could he not? I break down into tears when I hear it and I'm feeling like the last verse. I think everyone does. That is songwriting. That is composition. That is Music. The song defines the very thing music is. And emotional escape, a meaningful way to escape reality, for a moment. Because after all, it is a "fake plastic earth"

P.S. There is no Stairway To Heaven, because.. I'm sorry.. but I just can't get passed Robert Plant saying "Doesn't anybody remember laughter?".